ALICE Advanced Seminars
ALICE ADVANCED SEMINAR #4 - Valentin Mudimbe

Title/Título: Archaeology of Practices of Philosophy in Africa Speaker(s)/Oradore(s): Valentin Y. Mudimbe (Duke University) Date/Data: 18 de junho de 2013, 15h30 Venue/Local: Sala 1, CES-Coimbra Biography V.Y. Mudimbe is a philosopher, professor, and author of books and articles about African culture, poems, and novels. He is currently the Newman Ivey White Professor of Literature at Duke University. His research focuses most closely on phenomenology, structuralism, mythical narratives, and the practice and use of language. Among his most important work are The Invention of Africa (1988) and the The Idea of Africa (1994). (Video in English / Vídeo em Inglês)