Identifying the Importance of Disaster Resilience Dimensions across Different Countries Using the Delphi Method
Carlotta Rodriquez, José Manuel Mendes, Xavier Romão
Sustainability, 14, 15, 9162

Abstract The article proposes a framework establishing a disaster resilience index applicable worldwide that accounts for differences between countries in terms of development and in terms of the relevance of several resilience dimensions. To achieve this index, countries were clustered using an indicator that reflected their performance according to the Sustainable Development Goals. For(...)

Colección Epistemologías del Sur - CLACSO
Poscolonialismo, Descolonialidad y Epistemologías del Sur
Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Buenos Aires: CLACSO

Las Epistemologías del Sur son el eje vertebrador y el denominador común en torno al cual –durante las últimas décadas– se ha consolidado un amplio programa de trabajo colectivo dirigido por Boaventura de Sousa Santos e integrado por intelectuales y militantes radicados y radicadas a lo largo y ancho de todo el planeta. La colección Epistemologías del Sur fue concebida en un formato(...)

Colección Epistemologías del Sur - CLACSO
Tesis sobre la descolonización de la historia
Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Buenos Aires: CLACSO

Las Epistemologías del Sur son el eje vertebrador y el denominador común en torno al cual –durante las últimas décadas– se ha consolidado un amplio programa de trabajo colectivo dirigido por Boaventura de Sousa Santos e integrado por intelectuales y militantes radicados y radicadas a lo largo y ancho de todo el planeta. La colección Epistemologías del Sur fue concebida en un formato(...)

Decolonizing the narrative of Portuguese empire. Life stories of African presence, heritage and memory
Cristiano Gianolla, Giuseppina Raggi, Lorena Sancho Querol
in Britta Timm Knudsen, John R. Oldfield, Elizabeth Buettner and Elvan Zabynuan (org.), Decolonizing Colonial Heritage. New Agendas, Actors and Practices in and beyond Europe. New York: Routledge, 81-103 (e-book 2021)

Decolonizing the narrative of Portuguese empire 1 - Life stories of African presence, heritage and memory

The pandemic and the contradictions of contemporaneity
Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Global Social Challenges Journal, vol 1, 21-39

In this paper I argue that the new coronavirus pandemic has brought to light some of the contradictions and paradoxes of our time, namely the contrast between human fragility and the technological hubris linked to the fourth industrial revolution (artificial intelligence); and the contrast between the TINA ideology (there is no alternative) and the sudden and extreme changes in our everyday(...)

O cuidado com o mundo. Olhando a Pandemia a partir de Moçambique
Teresa Cunha
Revista Espaço Académico, Dossier especial, 42-53

Resumo: A escala global do fenómeno da infecção pelo novo Coronavírus e os seus impactos são razões suficientes para que seja um tema de uma profunda reflexão feminista. Este artigo está estruturado em três partes. Na primeira apresento uma reflexão feminista sobre a pandemia. Na segunda analiso a situação específica de Moçambique que é a base material e simbólica da(...)

Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience. Design, methods and knowledge under climate change.
A. Nuno Martins, Gonzalo Lizarralde, Temitope Egbelakin, Liliane Hobeica, José Manuel Mendes, Adib Hobeica
Amsterdam: Elsevier

Disaster prevention and the mitigation of climate change effects call for global action. Joint efforts are required among countries, economic sectors, and public and private stakeholders. Not surprisingly, international organizations, such as the United Nations agencies, propose policy frameworks aimed at worldwide influence. The 2015–2030 Sendai Framework seeks to create consensus about the(...)

Engagement in civic organisations in old age: Motivations for participation and retention
Teresa Alves Martins, João Arriscado Nunes, Isabel Dias, Isabel Menezes
Journal of Aging Studies, Volume 59, December 2021

Abstract Although the importance of older citizens' civic engagement has been highlighted in research and policy, the topic remains underexplored. In this study, we discuss older Portuguese citizens' motivations for civic engagement. The research is based on interviews with eighteen participants aged over 60, who are retired but active in civic organisations, in which they hold or have held(...)

Democracies Can Perish Democratically Too: Brazilian Democracy on Edge
Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Teoria politica. Nuova serie Annali, 11 | 2021, 313-324.

ABSTRACT Living in a democratic regime does not guarantee that we live democratically. Brazil is at an existential crossroads, the magnitude of which we can only begin to imagine. This is a country where the pandemic has caused one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world. This is also a country that experienced two grave attacks on democracy and the rule of law in a short period of(...)

Metodologias para Índices de Vulnerabilidades Socioambientais, Dinâmicas de contágio da COVID 19 e Índice Brasileiro de Privação em Saúde
Sergio Portella, José Manuel Mendes, Pedro Santos, Malú Grave, Maria Yuri Travassos Ichihara
Ciência & Trópico, 45, 2, 45-70

Resumo: O  artigo  trata  de  três  metodologias  para  mapeamento  de  vulnerabilidades  em  aplicação  em territórios  brasileiros  e  portugueses.  A  primeira,  Modelo  VS-CES-OSIRIS  (Universidade  de Coimbra  e  Universidade  de  Lisboa)  de  análise  multivariada  dos  componentes  Criticidade  e Capacidade  de  Suporte  para  desastres  e  (...)
