Teachers of the World: Courage and Wisdom is an initiative and publication of the ALICE Project that aims to honour the Life and Voice of women and men - activists, academics, intellectuals, artists or writers - who stood out in the fight against different forms of oppression, building paths of social, cognitive and sexual justice. These are Lives and Voices of the Global South, which were often on the margins of institutional canons and forms of validation, but which, by their example, constitute mandatory references when reflecting on a world that grows through the multiplication of difference and through the preservation of equality in difference, respecting and living in harmony with nature, promoting well-being for all persons. In this publication, we ensure that the potentially infinite diversity of the world and its experiences is continually renewed. Thus, we propose an exercise towards a sociology of absences and a sociology of emergence.
This publication is a collective endeavour with the collaboration of people from different continents, with different experiences and sensitivities, thinking, writing, creating texts, images and sounds, making these invisibilized lives and voices available to all of us. Each article transforms hope into an epistemological category and the ecology of knowledges into a craft of liberating practices. In each published article, authorship will be shared between the writer and the source and anchor of what is written: a Teacher of the World, her/his courage and her/his wisdom.
The Epistemologies of the South Research Program, at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra (CES), aims to transform this publication into an instrument and a horizon for the formidable energy of self-determination, insurgence and creation that Eurocentrism could not completely colonize, commodify, or subsume under patriarchy.
A new chapter will be published each month. It is, therefore, a work in permanent construction, expanding each time someone else, individually or collectively, is willing to contribute (see publication rules here). Accordingly, proposals and submissions can be sent at any time to the email: mestrxs@ces.uc.pt
The editorial board will reply and follow the process from submission to publication.
Teachers of the World: Courage and Wisdom is a digital publication included in the results of the project - ALICE Strange Mirrors, Unsuspected Lessons: Leading Europe to a new way of sharing the world experiences, coordinated by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, and funded by the European Research Council, 7th Framework Programme of the European Union (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. [269807].
Editor: CES / ALICE
ISBN: 978-989-8847-10-2