Identifying the Importance of Disaster Resilience Dimensions across Different Countries Using the Delphi Method
Carlotta Rodriquez, José Manuel Mendes, Xavier Romão
Sustainability, 14, 15, 9162

The article proposes a framework establishing a disaster resilience index applicable worldwide that accounts for differences between countries in terms of development and in terms of the relevance of several resilience dimensions. To achieve this index, countries were clustered using an indicator that reflected their performance according to the Sustainable Development Goals. For each cluster of countries, a Delphi process was used to obtain scores for every resilience dimension and sub-dimension that were then transformed into weights that varied from cluster to cluster to reflect differences in sustainable development. The article discusses the methodology that led to the quantification of the weights according to the Delphi process, as well as its results. The results highlighted the anticipated differences between different groups of countries, but also reflected cluster-specific features that should be accounted for when analyzing disaster resilience. The article also discusses different applications and possible improvements of the proposed framework based on comments collected during the Delphi process.

Keywords: disaster resilience; disaster risk; Sustainable Development Goals; cluster analysis; Delphi method

Original Contents by Sustainability, 14, 15, 9162